After a slow beginning in the mid-nineties, network marketing has clicked with the Indian middle-class, catching the fancy of the young entrepreneurs. Network marketing or multi-level marketing arrangement is one where individuals associate with a parent company as an independent contractor and are paid based on their sales of products or service as well as the sales achieved by those they bring into the business.
Some students have chosen to continue with their studies, while doing business simultaneously. "Doing a network-marketing business helps me to earn at the same time I learn. Entering a network marketing business presents a much more flexible and lucrative option to earn a quick buck as compared to other options like joining a call-centre. "There is no official pressure to spend 7-8 hours working in an office and one is free to work when he/she likes. Studies hardly get affected in such a way," Like in any other business, public perception is a big concern for network-marketing companies and how the agents perform is important. The criticism is that the agents of network-marketing companies 'disguise' themselves under different names and reveal the real name of the brand only sometime later.
"My friend introduced a networking company to me not by its name but by identifying it as an Organisation dealing in computer literacy of poor children. It was only when he took me to a meeting that I realized that I had been taken for a ride.
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